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Time and time again I am tasked with finding something to where with a limited amount of time. You know
I love finding stores that offer quality pieces that are stylish and on trend. The best part is they don't
If you've read my blog lately you'll see that my focus for 2019 is to be present in the moments,
Shop the post: A lot of you are wondering why I have been hobbling around and wearing a knee brace.
First, let me say Happy New Year! I am so excited for 2019 and all the amazing opportunities and adventures
Welcome back friends! Before we begin I would like to tell you what is on this elf's mind! If you
A time-honored tradition since my childhood is Christmas pjs. We love the whimsical and often times funny prints to help
We all know that shopping for the holidays can be a blast when buying for a loved one, BUT, do
Shop the post: Tis the season to sit by a fire and relax. I love the holidays and all the
We all know that kids love to receive gifts and Christmas is the mecca for them. I put together a
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